Munich Art

Everything you need to know about Art in Munich.

There are so many different aspects to this which can take many forms, so we’ve collated everything Art related, from all manner of Art based disciplines, into one specific category called MUNICH ART.

From street art installations such as the Walking Man of Munich to organised graffiti, and all the way through to the priceless museum treasures of the Alte Pinakothek to the more recent works displayed within the Pinakothek der Moderne – we cover it all!

So, if you have a specific interest in ART, then our specific category entitled MUNICH ART will be right up your alley.

Munich Maps on a Stand asking What Is Munich Famous For

What is Munich Famous for: 8 reasons why Munich is so well known

When pondering the question of What is Munich Famous For, there are numerous reasons that immediately spring to mind, the world-famous Oktoberfest being at the very top of that list. However, whilst the well-known Munich Beer Festival rightly tops the list, there are many other reasons for Munich being famous and for attracting so much

What is Munich Famous for: 8 reasons why Munich is so well known Read More »